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What Are The Best Social Media Platforms To Promote On?

We are currently at the height of what is considered the digital age. Almost everyone at this point has some kind of smartphone or access to technology and with that social media account somewhere. It is what dominates people’s time and for good reason. People are now able to communicate with anyone around the world at a button’s press, can stay in touch with friends and families no matter what, get their news fix, or simply just be entertained.

There are so many uses that social media has developed since its creation, and promotions and advertisements are right there with every other use. Because people consume the majority of their media on these platforms, promoting on these apps and sites has become an extremely part of a business and their practices.

With this, there is also an influx of social media platforms to choose from. And with millions of users being on each and everyone one of these platforms, there is no place to go wrong when it comes to promoting whatever kind of product or business you are trying to show off.


Instagram has been a staple when it comes to promoting in the social media world. Influencers thrive on this app because it solely relies on photos. People’s attention is drawn much more toward pictures than words, and that is exactly why Instagram excels at this.

They have also jumped on the bandwagon of being able to promote products and businesses as you are now able to put special links to products in the photo. People no longer have to click a link that is located in the comments or a bio of an account. The photo itself does all the work when promoting whatever needs to be promoted. And with an average of 62% of users logging on every day on a platform that has over a billion total users, the platform is a great place to start.


Although it may not seem like it, Facebook is still the reigning champ when it comes to users. Coming in at nearly three billion users on the platform as of last year, Facebook is a prime place to start promoting. People can use Facebook by creating accounts for their business just like any other platform. However, the platform is very well known for businesses as they currently house over 80 million small businesses as of last year.

Facebook also has an entirely separate place for advertisements and even a marketplace. While typically Facebook marketplace is used for people trying to sell their items or get rid of old furniture, businesses can still use this space as practically free advertising for their products.

Tik Tok

This platform is the newest of the bunch but that should not shy people away from trying to use it as a place to promote their products. Just like Instagram, people like videos over words. And while Instagram can have videos and reels, being able to showcase a video of what you’re showing off or even how it is made is a lot more natural on this social media platform.

Since its rebranding in 2018 from, Tik Tok has continued to be one of the largest growing apps for being the only one to establish itself in the last five years. Companies will now use this app to show off their products and businesses and can do so under sponsored videos. It also helps reach an audience of high school and college kids which has been difficult to do in the past.


This is another app that uses visuals to its advantage. Pinterest is a place to put all sorts of creative ideas and products for people to see. The platform works well when trying to find specific niches because of how vast the categories are. Not only this, but it has the unique feature of being to create your own individual boards.

Of course, every social media platform has a saved post place where you can save the best things you see. What Pinterest does differently however is that people are now able to showcase it to other people. This helps do advertising without companies having to do anything. Since the board will fall under whatever niche it is categorized in, it will help link the post to more and more similar products which reach a large audience.


Twitter has become one of the most used apps when it comes to getting the news. While of course there is going to be plenty of false information out there, Twitter has done a nice job of trying to filter out what is real and what is false. Because of this, their demographic is much older than apps such as Tik Tok. This helps when promoting a product since it covers a vast age range with 63% of its users being between the ages of 35-65 as of last year.

This app also does a great job of spreading a lot of information because of how easy it is to tweet. With platforms such as Instagram or Tik Tok, a visual is required. And while a visual will always help, Twitter does not require this to make a post. Because of this, businesses can easily tweet out a link to their product with a description of what they are trying to promote and get the message across just as well.

There are plenty of other social media platforms to try and promote such as LinkedIn, Snapchat, Reddit, and many others as the ones listed above only scratch the surface. Each platform has its advantages and disadvantages when it comes to promotion and can each be used for many different scenarios.

Promoting on social media is a key in today’s business practices and must be taken advantage of because of how much easier it is to spread a message to a large group of people. If you and your business or company can master the art of social media, it will be extremely beneficial for all future endeavors.