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How to Remove a Filter from a TikTok Video: Can You Do It? How?

Have you ever seen a TikTok video and thought, "I wish I could remove that filter?" It can be really frustrating when you see a video that's been filtered to the point where it's barely recognizable. In this blog post, we will teach you how to remove filters from your videos. Keep reading to see if you can remove filters from someone else’s video!

Remove a Filter From Your Own TikTok Video

First, let's talk about removing TikTok filters from your own videos. If you want to remove a filter that you applied to your video, simply go into the "Edit" section of the app and select the "Filters" tab. From there, you can delete any filters that you have applied to your video.

Remove a Filter from Someone Else's TikTok Video

Currently, you can not remove a filter from someone else’s TikTok video. However, removing a filter from your own video is possible. After a TikTok is published, the filter applied is permanent in the video, and there is no way to remove it. This may not be the answer you were looking for, but it's the cold hard truth. There are plenty of third-party tools and software that claim to be able to remove TikTok filters, but it is literally not possible. You can only manipulate the video in its published form.