Intuition Media Group | Influencer Marketing Agency

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What Value Does an Influencer Bring to my Campaign?

When logging onto any kind of social media platform, people always have tons and tons of content thrown at them. This can range from news, entertainment, or any other kinds of posts that are now popular. Something could be trending which runs social media and other times it can be all sorts of trends coming out all at once.

Whatever is happening in the media, it is always best to be with the times, and starting a campaign is no different. Having an influencer who is up with these trends will help your campaign reach new heights in many ways.

Influencers are a big part of any campaign at this point. Having a real personal presence for any kind of campaign can do wonders since people can see someone just like them indulging in whatever the goal is. There are many reasons why an influencer is essential when it comes to any campaign at this point.

Builds trust

When people go to indulge in any kind of brand, seeing a basic advertisement is not the most appealing. There is a real connection that can be built with an advertisement seen on the internet. Having an influencer helping with the campaign can build a level of trust that basic advertisements just cannot provide.

Since this is a real person that people can see using a product, other people will be more inclined to trust whatever is being promoted. Since they are able to see another person who is happy with a brand, they will also want to feel the same way. Not only this, but influencers can connect with the audience on a personal level.

Influencers can live their life and show them off on these social media platforms while still being a part of your campaign. This is beneficial since the influencer will not look so cookie-cutter if they are just promoting a product. Seeing that someone is living their life while also enjoying the product at hand creates a stronger connection that will build more and more trust with the audience as time goes on.

Raises brand awareness

Since the influencers are people who go about their lives just like anyone else, they can always support and advertise the brand that is working to be successful. Even if they are just out and about, people may see the influencer and see that they are supporting whatever brand they do on social media. This helps bring more and more awareness to the brand as it is seen in everyday life.

Not only this, but people on social media can share these posts which brings even more awareness to a brand. For example, someone may see a t-shirt for a brand that they like and show it to their friends. So now not only is the person who follows the influencer being shown the product and brand, now the friends of that person are spreading the brand as well.

Social media has curated this ability to spread information with the click of a button which works to the advantage of any campaign. And the more and more an influencer connects with their audience, the more they will be able to bring brand awareness from both themselves and also those within the audience.

Cheaper and more successful than traditional ads

When it comes to traditional advertisements, they can be expensive depending on what kind and place of it. Basic advertisements can also be seen as extremely stale because of them being fairly one-dimensional and just showing off a product without pizazz. With an influencer, neither of these problems will usually arise and will yield much better results.

Influencers will be paid in many different ways such as regular wages or even just free products. This depends on all the parties involved. These parties include the company that is trying to promote its brand through this campaign, the influencer that is involved with the promotion, and the agency that represents the influencer in most cases. Either way, this will generally be less at the end of the day than a basic ad.

This also works to the advantage of the campaign since the influencer will be able to make that deeper connection as stated above. Because this person is showing off these products, people’s attention will be much more gravitated towards an actual person over a boring ad that is in between posts or on the side of a screen.

Appeals to specific niches

One of the biggest advantages of having an influencer promoting a campaign is that they will already have an audience that will be interested in whatever is being promoted. An influencer works to build a brand around a specific niche that people will be interested in. After this is done, the advertising for the campaign is already being done itself because the audience is already interested in whatever is being shown off.

These audiences will also continue to grow larger and larger the more a campaign is successful. Influencers are always growing larger and larger in their community, and this can yield very positive results because of this. An influencer will not be placed in a niche they do not know about as they would simply be unsuccessful. Once the niche is determined for an influencer, they will focus strictly on that.

When starting any kind of campaign, having a name attached to a brand can help drastically. Having that real personal connection of an influencer will help any campaign reach heights that would not be able to have been reached without this kind of presence.