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TikTok Is Becoming The New Search Engine For GenZ

Gen Z is bypassing Google for TikTok as a search engine, but why is that? The term "Google “ may be synonymous with "searching" for things online, but for the group known as Gen Z that might be changing.

According to the Pew Research Center, nearly 40% of Gen Z members (born from 1997 to 2012) prefer TikTok for online searches, according to data from Google, which was first reported by TechCrunch.

TikTok Is King Among GenZ

More and more young people are using TikTok’s algorithm — which personalizes the videos shown to them based on their content interaction to find information catered to their tastes. That is coupled with a sense that real people on the app are delivering information, rather than faceless websites. Trust is absolutely crucial to the younger generation, whether it be the fact that 82% won’t buy from brands they don’t trust, demanding real reviews from peers, or the need to hear about everyday events from people that they identify with.

The highly visual and bite-size nature of the content on TikTok appeals to Gen Z because this generation has much less familiarity with print. They have grown up online and are well-versed in the formats that the internet dictates and enables.

Goodbye Search Engines?

Online search has been moving away from search engines for a while and, in fact, even as early as April 2021, research showed that only 40% of product searches started from search engines. Marketplaces have been rapidly overtaking this number with social media following closely behind and, given the increased amount of time spent on TikTok, any savvy brand needs to think carefully about how it caters to consumers looking for their next purchase.

While TikTok’s efforts in e-commerce have faced challenges, #tiktokmademebuyit has seen more than 18.5 billion clicks. Today’s online consumers want an end-to-end experience, embarking on all phases of the buying experience without ever leaving the app – starting with discovery. TikTok is becoming that place and must be taken seriously by consumer brands looking to remain competitive.

TikTok’s rise as a discovery tool is part of a broader transformation in digital search. While Google remains dominant, consumers are turning to Amazon to search for products, Instagram to stay updated on trends, and Snapchat’s Snap Maps to find local businesses. As the digital world continues growing, the universe of ways to find information in it is expanding.

GenZ consumers want a seamless experience that allows them to find a product, research it and buy it, in one place and from people that they trust. And right now, TikTok is doing just that.