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Instagram Live Video Updates: What Brands Need to Know

With some planning, collaboration, and creativity, Instagram Live video is a smart and strategic way to bond with audiences, interact with customers, and build brand awareness. 

Whether it’s an interactive Q&As, product demos, exclusive broadcasts from an event, or simply a behind-the-scenes glimpse at the company operations, people find live streams entertaining, authentic, and exciting. 

The best part is that live video can be viewed and repurposed many ways long after the broadcast ends! 

TIP: Read How to Set Up Instagram Live for your business. 

Why Should Your Brand Go Live

A recent study found that 80% of consumers prefer to watch live videos from a brand than read a blog, and 82% prefer branded live video over standard social media posts. Facebook reports one in five videos is a live broadcast and live videos are watched 3x longer than any other video content online. Streaming video accounts for two-thirds of all Internet traffic. By the end of 2020, live video is expected to account for 82% of all internet traffic

With a global pandemic forcing people to stay at home these past few months, live video consumption soared in the U.S. and abroad. The spike in demand across Europe even pushed video services YouTube, Disney+, Apple, and Netflix to throttle their streaming quality and postpone product releases. Facebook’s response to increased usage, on the other hand, was to accelerate the development of new Live Video features for both Facebook and Instagram. 

We just covered updates to Facebook Live on our blog. Here are the eight latest updates to Instagram Live that you might have missed. 

Instagram Live Video Updates Your Business Can Use

Sharing Instagram Live to IGTV. Instagram added the option to share Instagram Live video to IGTV as soon as the broadcast ends. This latest update is seen as a push to generate more IGTV content, but it offers the added benefit of giving Instagram Live a place to remain evergreen and re-watchable.  

NOTE: Instagram is currently testing IGTV ads with a few creators and advertisers in the U.S. and will slowly expand to more creators “over time.” Once these 15-second mobile ad units officially roll out, creators get an added revenue stream, and advertisers get a new way to target audiences with IGTV!

Managing Music Rights on Instagram Live. With so much confusion around music usage rights on social media, Facebook provides clear guidelines and new indicators within Facebook and Instagram live streams to help avoid accidental copyright infringement. A notification alerts you when Facebook’s systems detect a live or uploaded video may include music that doesn’t adhere to the company’s licensing agreements. On Instagram, clear instructions on how to remedy the situation follow the alert.

Instagram Live Now Streams on Desktop. Instagram Live streamed on the web offers a comfortable, unobstructed video viewing experience. Instead of videos being behind an overlay of constant comments and emojis, the desktop version moves the comment feed into a separate column to the right. Unfortunately, recording live video remains a mobile-first experience on Instagram at this time. The platform still does not offer a way to publish any content through the desktop site.

Badges on Instagram Live. Instagram gives viewers a way to support their favorite creators while standing out in the comments. Fans can purchase Badges at different price points to “show love” to creators. Once purchased, the badges appear next to the person’s name throughout the live video as they comment, which helps them stand out. With Badges, creators can quickly see which fans are supporting their efforts and give them a shout-out or show them extra attention! Similar efforts are available on other live video platforms, like YouTube and Twitch. Facebook “Stars” payments for gaming streamers work the same way. 

Fundraising with Instagram Live. Instagram users can create fundraisers and collect money for nonprofits while live-streaming alone or with others. 

Right now, there are only a handful of charitable causes approved to benefit from this update, but 100% of the money raised goes directly to the nonprofit. Instagram is not taking a cut of the money.

Looking Ahead 

Instagram Considers Adding More Than One Guest on Live. Right now, it is only possible to go live with one other person at a time on Instagram. In a Q&A session held via Instagram Stories, Instagram chief, Adam Mosseri, said the company is “looking into” adding the capacity to go live with more people on Instagram. He backed off on this promise by saying it’s not the most pressing update needed right now. With an uptick in live video, the platform’s main concerns are maintaining stability and expanding beyond mobile to the web.

Live Shopping on Instagram. Facebook is testing the ability to sell products in real-time through Live Shopping on Facebook and Instagram with businesses. As brands broadcast, pre-selected products appear at the bottom of the live video, where viewers can easily tap to learn more and purchase. Live Shopping is expected to will roll it out more broadly “in the coming months.”

Simulcasting Instagram Live Streams to Facebook. A recent discovery by social media strategist, Alessandro Paluzzi, suggests that Instagram may be testing the option to simulcast an Instagram Live sessions over to a Facebook Page. If this possible new feature officially rolls out, Instagram Live broadcasters could greatly expand their reach and make live video a much more appealing option for brands. This update is one to watch! 

We’re here to help develop a marketing strategy for your brand’s Instagram Live video campaigns. Contact us to explore your influencer and marketing options, potentially pairing up with one of our content creators and influencers with your brand.