Does My Campaign Need Influencers?

Starting any kind of campaign can be tough. There are a lot of plans that need to be drawn out which can get long and overbearing. And one of those questions that have to be answered is what the best way is to go about advertising and promoting the campaign. A campaign is a goal that is set by a brand that needs to be reached. This could mean getting started as a brand, establishing a true audience, and anything that goes along with a business.

One of the best ways to go about this that has been in large thanks to social media is influencers. Brands are now hiring people, whether that means paying them actual wages or providing them with goods from the brand for free to show off, to show off their brand. This has been a growing business that continues to gain steam with each passing month and brands should hop on board. With an influencer helping with a campaign, there are a lot of advantages that can be gained because of it.

What defines an Influencer?

Does my campaign need influencers

While the number differs depending on who is asked, an influencer is simply someone who has curated a niche audience. The lowest number of followers that most people use to define an influencer is only 1,000 followers or subscribers depending on the platform that the person is on. The more important part about defining an influencer is truly the fact that they create a niche audience. When this audience is created, they can promote whatever the campaign is because there will already be a community that is interested in the campaign.

This is not a hard number to achieve and can be done thanks to hard work and having a strong social media presence. Influencers know to be personal with audiences which helps make a community grow larger and larger. Once this audience has been established for the specific niche that the influencer is going for, the campaign can then be promoted.

Will influencers help my campaign

Does my campaign need influencers

If done right, an influencer can be extremely helpful for a campaign no matter what. Advertisements these days can be seen as boring and stale since they have all been done before. An influencer will be more than a campaign since they will be a true extension of the brand. They will work to grow the brand more and more so that the campaign can end up being successful.

Even if the brand that is being built does not seem like one that an influencer can help out with, there is a niche audience out there that will be happy to have an influencer to follow. People using social media are always looking for ways to expand their interests and this is exactly what an influencer does. A person who is interested in a niche can find these influencers which can lead to them finding these communities that will help to build a successful campaign.

What do influencers bring to the table?

Unlike traditional advertisements, influencers put a face to a brand and campaign. A lot of times, people will see brands that do not have any true presence, and this can be off-putting for people since it does not seem like there is any true human connection. An influencer will do away with this as they can connect with these people on a personal level. A lot of times, influencers will work to comment with other people in the audience and comment sections of the post which creates this connection. The creation of this connection can help build trust between a brand and an audience member.

Influencers also help with simply bringing awareness to a brand. Since they are a person and not a computer or advertisements, they have their own life they can show off. Thanks to this, they can spread and grow the brand by going about their day-to-day activities since this is a job of theirs. Even if they are just going out in public for lunch, sporting any kind of brand-related merchandise or products will be just as effective as a post online. Once they create this niche audience, those within the community can spread that awareness more and more helping the brand grow even larger.

Does my campaign need influencers

How can I find a good influencer?

If you are looking for an influencer to help with any kind of campaign, then look no further. Agencies such as Intuition Media work to set up campaigns with an influencer that will be able to thrive because of their already made fanbase. A lot of research, time, and effort goes into making sure that an influencer will be able to succeed with any campaign that they are assigned. Some campaigns will not work with some influencers because of their niche audience and that is okay. There are plenty of other influencers who will be able to fill this influencer need in a campaign.

A lot of times it can be risky to find an influencer on their own and stick them into a campaign. That is where agencies excel. They will research to see what has worked in the past and what trends should work for the campaign. This takes away the hassle of taking a risk with something that a brand may not be familiar with. If you are interested in hiring an influencer for your campaign, reach out at any of our available contact points to see where to go from here.


What is an Influencer?


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